Smart Features Make a Smart Solution
The benefits of using lead management software as a service are many. Among them is the fact that winning sales strategies are incorporated into the software design on an ongoing basis. Software as a service is in fact a kind of business partnership. This partnership manifests in many ways, offering a lot of different types of benefits.
One of the most obvious benefits of LMS SaaS to the user of such a system is the customer support. Having a professional services team that works with you to make the software work for your business is one of the hallmarks of the SaaS. The best LMS SaaS providers understand that in order to succeed, they must make sure that their clients succeed. Working hard to ensure client success begins with configuring the system to work with your established workflow. The next step is to make available to clients the proven best practices are the bedrock for the software’s strategy.
Lead Management Software needs to have a strategy, a point of view about the best way to close a lead. In the case of Leads360, that point of view comes from the analysis of over 20 million leads under active management. Leads360 has seen what works, and has built the software around it. The fact that lead management strategies can be divined by analyzing leads that flow through the funnel of Leads360 leads to the next element of the LMS SaaS business partnership. The ongoing analysis of winning lead management strategies is something that continues to benefit all clients. When new insights are uncovered, features are added to the software to capitalize on the new research.
A good example of this is Leads360’s Lead Prioritization feature. Lead Prioritization leverages research on the effect of speed to contact on lead close rates and research on optimal lead response strategy. The feature creates a queue of leads that is re-prioritized in real time to always put sales reps on the phone with the ripest opportunity. A lead will appear at the top of the prioritized queue when it is brand new. After one contact attempt it will drop off the queue, but will appear again 30 minutes to two hours later, when it is ripe for another contact attempt.
Lead Prioritization is a smart feature. It’s just one smart feature in a smart solution. And smart solutions close more deals.