Lead Prioritization
If you are buying internet leads, you have probably experienced a feeling of not knowing which lead to call next. Where, with which lead, is your time best spent? This challenge becomes more and more pronounced the more leads you have assigned to you. You can end up spending a lot of time figuring out whom to sell to instead of actually selling. Maybe you have the top couple opportunities in your mind, and you are strategizing about how to close them. But beyond tending to those few deals, you’re not totally sure where your attention should go next.
There are many benefits of using Lead Management software for prioritizing leads. First, and most obvious, is that lead management software is a suite of tools designed to help you manage you sales pipeline. It equips you with tools to sort your leads and keep them organized in a way that suits you. But there is a whole other strength that some lead management software brings to the table that is sometimes overlooked. Leads360 is an intelligent lead management platform that analyses the data produced by all the leads under management. Recently Leads360 has done studies that have shown that six call attempts is the optimal number, after which, returns drop off significantly. But these call attempts can’t happen all in the first day of a lead being assigned to an agent. Based on many records of successful qualifications and closes, Leads360 has created a baseline calling strategy that helps agents call leads based on a schedule that has shown results in the past. Leads360 research also shows that contacting a lead within one minute of its inquiry results in a 391% greater close rate.
Leads360 doesn’t just help you manage your leads from the standpoint of helping you schedule appointments and such; it helps you manage your leads by making the tools you use to manage your leads smarter. One such smart tool that Leads360 has recently made available is Lead Prioritization. Leads360’s best practices research is published for the general edification of clients, but it would fail to deliver on its full value if that’s all that was done with it. Lead Prioritization takes all the information about how leads can most successfully be worked and turns it into a concrete tool. View your leads in Prioritized view and see them stacked in the order of exactly which lead most needs your attention at any given moment. If a lead is being nurtured, hasn’t been contacted in three days, but needs that fifth contact attempt, it will appear on the list. If a brand new lead is assigned to you, it’s at the top of the list. The algorithm that roots through the leads to find those which need attention is continually being improved to ensure the best possible results. Lead Prioritization is just the latest way that smart companies are using smart tools to take the guesswork out of the sales process and close more deals.