Oversee.net (low.com) takes on additional $150M investment
Thursday, January 17th, 2008 | Link | Spread The Word!
TechCrunch reports that Oversee.net has taken a large capital infusion. Our friends over at low.com will surely benefit from this cash as they adjust their business in the face of the changing mortgage landscape. Oversee as a whole is a fascinating company, and represents one of the first e-conglomerates. Just how important will domain names become?
Some argue that it’s the company that makes the domain. A frequently cited example is Amazon.com. Jeff Bezos could probably have used any number of book-unassociated websites to launch his online bookstore. Meanwhile, I am not sure when, but Barnes & Nobel has snapped up book.com and books.com, they currently redirect to B&N’s homepage, which is probably an inefficient use of the domains, but will still net them a strong marketing advantage in the long run. Zappos.com, which this blog has discussed before, is another example of a successful retailer successfully using a non-product related domain name. What value would sneakers.com have for Nike? For now it is a bit unclear. Rick Shwartz, while biased, has written an interesting article dissecting the success of hotels.com, and how if any of the smart hotel chains had developed it, they would have seriously boosted their online marketing prowess, click here to read it.
I think Oversee.net is trying to transform itself into the Boston Properties of the online world. They are betting big on online properties, which as hotels.com has proven, can gain the same kind of inherent value that real estate holdings can.
Matt Morelli said... January 17th, 2008 at 11:49 am
Impressive! Congrats guys and gals!