More Leads
It seems so simple. Just keep the leads coming in, and keep the reps on the phone and deals will come down the pipeline. It’s a simple plan, but it’s a plan that doesn’t scale well. Until now.
Take for example a situation where there is only one sales rep who has a small number of leads. He or she may be able to keep tabs on where the ripest opportunities are and where each deal is in the pipeline. If this sales rep is doing his job well, he’s closing deals, so he’s probably being given more leads. The sales reps success can scale up only a finite amount. If he’s able to keep track of 10 leads, and he’s earning, then maybe you give him 20, and he continues to deliver. It may be tempting to give him thirty, but he just can’t keep up with that many without some tools designed specifically to help him scale his sales efforts. Lead Management Software is the type of tool that enables him to work more efficiently. Using lead management software, it’s become easier to stay organized, easier to know which lead to call when, easier to be the first person on the phone with a lead. Lead Management Software stretches an individual’s time and attention to help him get results beyond what he could get keeping track of leads by ordinary means.
With lead management software, sales reps can manage far more leads than they could using email, pen and paper, etc. Now, instead of being able to keep 20 leads straight, they are able to keep up on 500 leads. The reps effectiveness will go through the roof. And if they can handle 500 leads, it won’t be long before they’ll be asked to handle 1000. And then they’ll be back with same problem. Too much time will be spent hunting through all the leads that a rep owns to find the one that needs attention most. This is where it becomes important to make sure that your lead management system is intelligent and can identify opportunities. Some lead management systems are able to bring the leads most deserving of attention to the top of the pile, effectively prioritizing leads in real time.
Putting the right leads in front of reps at the right time is one way of keeping reps focused on the leads most likely to generate revenue. But that is really only part of the a truly intelligent lead management solution. It is also necessary to get leads on the phone as soon as possible to catch them while their interest in your offering is highest. An intelligent lead management system also has dialer capabilities that can leverage the competitive nature of a sales team to ensure that leads are contacted as quickly as possible.