Incentivizing with Opportunities
Alec Baldwin’s legendary monologue in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross is concluded with the following sentences, “These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they’re gold. And you don’t get them. Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. They’re for closers.”
This oft-quoted monologue may or may not be your idea of motivational speaking. But putting aside the discussion of the virtues of tough love, this last part of the speech is a fundamental reality on many if not most sales teams. If you can close leads, you will be given leads. If you cannot, you will not. The incentive to succeed is more opportunities for success. The consequences of failure are fewer opportunities.
Given that this principal is so prevalent on sales teams; it stands to reason that any tool that aims to help sales managers and small business owners manage their funnel should have features that facilitate this doling out of opportunities.
One of the principal benefits of using a lead management system is the ability to quickly and intelligently distribute leads to sales reps. But truly intelligent lead distribution rewards successful sales reps by automatically increasing the number of leads they are eligible to receive based on their hitting performance goals.
Similarly, in order to really make sure your leads are winding up in the most capable hands, it must be necessary to be able to temporarily halt the flow of leads to sales reps whose pipelines are experiencing a bottleneck.
When one sales rep is exceeding his performance goals and another is overwhelmed by all the leads coming into his funnel, it should be possible to re-route new leads so they land in the most fertile soil. With lead management software, it is.