Hit ‘em High, Hit ‘em Low
Sales reps need tools to do their jobs. They need the basics, a phone and a desk. A computer. And they need leads. The lucky ones have lead management software. Lead management software (LMS) is actually a suite of tools that are designed to help sales reps contact leads quickly and help sales managers and marketers optimize their lead spend to get maximum ROI. LMS has tools that help reps contact leads quickly; tools like automatic lead distribution and an integrated lead dialer. LMS has tools that help sales reps keep in touch with leads and nurture them until they close; tools like lead nurturing email campaigns, and lead prioritization that filter leads to the top of the list when they are due for another contact attempt.
A lot of these tools, if not every one of them is fully configurable to enable sales managers and sales reps to create a truly intelligent workflow that is unmatched in its efficiency and repeatability. LMS is a high efficiency set of tools that enable everyone to work smarter. The results for companies using lead management are often dramatic. Recent research on the importance of speed to contact has shown that leads contacted within one minute of an online inquiry are %391 more likely to close than those contacted after one minute. LMS gives sales reps the tools to make contact in under a minute.
LMS is a smart tool. How smart? LMS even has a feature that hunts through all the ripest and best leads and connects the rep to the lead. This feature is so smart because no matter what kind of sales rep you are, your brain fatigues. When fatigue sets in, using smart tools to work smart might seem like a lot of work. It is during these times that you need a button; a big button in the center of your software that says “Get Lead.” Click it and get a lead. Don’t worry about finding the best opportunity, LMS found it for you. Just click the button, and get the prospect on the phone.
So in the morning, when you’re bursting with energy and ready to take on the world you can get into your leads more strategically. Play your hunches. Comb through your list of leads, and find your opportunities. But after lunch, when it’s harder to work smarter, you’ve got a button. A big blue button that you can push to talk to a lead.