Getting Out of the Rut and Into the Game
Seth Godin writes in his blog: “Most of the time, particularly [sic] in b2b and luxury sales, the competition is nothing . . . While you think your competition is that woman across town, it’s probably apathy, sitting still, ignoring the problem… nothing.” It’s easy not to change. Taking action to secure profitability in the future is often times a daunting task to consider. However, smart companies know that it’s important not to sit on the sidelines, scratching their heads about why they aren’t converting more leads, when they can take action to energize their sales process and find ways to be more efficient. Leads360 can be an invaluable tool to any sales manager looking to shake the cobwebs off of his sales staff and find ways to increase ROI by working harder and working smarter.
When it comes to sales, there might be a lot of inertia. Often times, things have been done the same way for a long time and people are hesitant to change anything. Other sales teams may be experiencing the opposite problem. New internet leads are very expensive, very valuable, and are quickly changing the business landscape in ways that sales staffs don’t understand. While many people would find it easy to succumb to the instinct to retract and fall back on tried and true methods, Leads360 can show sales teams that there’s a new way, brilliant in its simplicity and efficient in its execution.
Leads360 can show any sales team how sales automation and metrics driven lead scoring and routing will change their process forever, and help them find value where they previously didn’t know it existed. Traditional sales processes are very simple, often purchasing leads from different sources and then simply distributing them to the sales staff in a simple, unintelligent fashion. While it might seem like the simplest, best approach, Leads360 can show a company where the old ways are rife with inefficiencies. Leads360 has developed their sales process based on millions of leads and inquiries and discovered exactly what traditional business models were missing.
The drivers of lead conversion are varied, but many of them are ignored or neglected by classic sales methods. For instance, few things are more effective in eventually converting a lead than calling within the first five minutes. While traditional methods can send a lead to a sales person who can’t make a call for ten or twenty minutes, missing that all important window, Leads360 can ensure that leads are routed to the sales people ready to work them, not just the next person in line. This is also true of Lead Prioritization. Leads360′s new Lead Prioritization Engine automatically determines which leads are closest to converting at that minute and reorganizes the lead queue to reflect this, ensuring that your sales staff is making their initial and follow up calls only at those times when the leads are most likely to convert. This saves your sales staff from hours of wasted time feeling around in the dark. These are only a few of the many features of Leads360 that will help your sales staff discover just how much value there is in a consistent, automated approach that is driven by data carefully collected and recorded from each lead.
On the whole, the metrics driven, automated approach offered by Leads360 is undeniably a significant upgrade over business as usual. Company’s employing Leads360 will see their productivity and ROI shoot up while leaving behind their competitors that have decided to stick to business as usual.