Email Marketing, Lead Prioritization, and User Scripting: Leveraging Technology and Keeping the Human Touch. Or “Did you get that email I sent you?”
Email Marketing is important. It’s a good way to keep your name in front of prospects, letting them know that they are still on your mind. It enables you to affordably target different segments of your prospect base with relevant messaging. Providing you are careful to avoid spamming; receiving regular, relevant content from your company builds trust and strengthens your brand.
But as prospects are becoming more tech savvy, and their email inboxes are becoming increasingly populated with marketing emails, the tendency to skip over emails that contain marketing messages is gradually becoming more entrenched.
When prospects receive emails at regular intervals, they will either conclude, “I am on Your Company’s mailing list.” Or, “Mike Jones at Your Company is trying to reach me.” There is a big difference between these two conclusions in terms of customer experience. And whichever conclusion they draw says a lot about how they regard your company and what kind of service they will expect to receive.
So how can Email Marketing be executed most effectively? Without being perceived as spam? Without giving prospects the sense that they are just a name on a mailing list? Assuming first that your Email Marketing practices are sound, (e.g., not too many emails, always containing relevant communication) the next best thing you can do to make sure that your emails penetrate the spam barrier is to follow up on emails with phone calls.
So using a Lead Management system that can automatically send out targeted relevant emails is only half the battle. To leverage this technology while effectively providing a human touch, the Lead Management system must also have Lead Prioritization and User Scripting capabilities. Using Lead Prioritization it is possible to put a lead at the top of a sales reps lead queue the same day that an automated email has been sent. And with User Scripting, the sales rep will have easy access to verbiage that references the automated marketing email. As in, “Hi Ms. Wilson, This is Mike Jones, I sent you an email today about some opportunities that have come up as a result of current market conditions. I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to look it over, and if you have a couple minutes to talk through some scenarios.”
Lead Management software automates the following:
- 1. Sending of Marketing Emails
- 2. Prioritization of Leads
- 3. Putting Scripts in front of sales reps that are relevant to that leads unique history
Taken alone any one of these features is powerful. Used in a coordinated way, in an integrated Lead Management system, they are able to successfully leverage the benefits of technology (speed, automation, etc.) without losing the human touch.