31+ Flavors of CRM – Got B2C Sales CRM?
By Alyssa Trenkamp
June 27, 2021 – I was reading a few articles on CRM in the past couple of days that got me thinking about how unique and flexible the technology world we live in truly is. “There’s an app for that” at the consumer level has bled into the business world giving consumers a menu of cloud-based solutions to chose from to take a broad CRM solution and make it specific to the most important thing a business does. Salesforce.com AppExchange is case in point. There are so many flavors of CRM from social CRM, sales CRM, call-centric CRM, lead management CRM, marketing CRM and the list goes on and on, tailored by vertical, B2C, B2B, and more.
While most CRM systems are broadening their scope and taking on additional capability, when it comes to the most critical thing your business does and fulfilling that perfectly, often a customer needs an additional CRM flavor or two added on. Some systems are focused on doing one thing very well and for Leads360 that one thing is a B2C sales. We are industry experts and leaders in this space with more than 40 million prospects managed through our cloud-based solution. In this post, we’ll talk about how the B2C sales process is so unique and what to look for in a B2C sales-focused CRM solution.
B2B vs. B2C CRM
All CRMs are not created equal, and that’s a good thing for companies that sell to consumers. So what are the differences in the B2B and B2C sale. Seven aspects that are common to both also illustrate the differences.
- Speed of sales process – a B2C sale is typically very fast, weeks or months vs. B2B which is much slower usually months or years.
- Number of decision makers – there are usually one or two decision makers in a B2C sale; there may be a dozen or more involved in a B2B sale.
- Simplicity of Buying Process — A B2C sale is relatively simple; a B2B sale is usually more complex.
- Quantity of Leads — A B2C sale starts with more leads; a B2B sale will have fewer leads to manage.
- Role of Emotion — B2C sales frequently involve emotion on the consumers’ side; a B2B sale is typically driven by a business decision rather than by emotion.
- Value of Sale — The total value of a B2C sale is relatively small — hundreds or thousands of dollars; a B2B sale could be thousands or even millions of dollars.
- Uniformity of Offer — B2C sales are typically a uniform product offering; B2B tend to be a more customized product offering.
What to look for in B2C Sales CRM
So what’s a customer to do when they are looking for that just right flavor? Evaluating your needs is a lot like going into your local ice cream parlor; you really have to try a few flavors to get a sense of what it is that works for you and what works with flavors you know you already love. Here are a few things to look for in a good B2C sales CRM platform:
- Real-time lead source integration, including self generated lead sources
- Automatic rules-based lead distribution
- Automatic call prioritization
- Easily configurable sales workflow
- Key performance metrics tracking
- Automatic lead nurturing including follow-up emails and SMS
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